and another

Here is another one of my digital images which is a combination of scanned images and digital illustration. I decided to work with layers to convey the idea of adding, building and adding layers to our identity.

Digital Prints

I incorporated photography with the fragmented pieces use in my figures to create images that represent the construction of identity.

go big or go home

Here are a few of the prints I did during the workshop with Morgan Doyle. Not like my usual stuff but a change for the better I think!


Printmaking with Morgan Doyle

I was delighted to have been chosen to do the workshop with Morgan Doyle in March. I was definitely one of the most beneficial things I have been part of, I learnt so much and will take on board everything I learnt that week. I was always so particular, everything had to be perfect and I rarely ever strayed any larger than an A4 page but I was given that push I needed. My work has now transformed and become more gestural and figurative which I am really liking.

Break it Down

Most of my work now is stemming from my series of monoprints and the abstract figures are becoming a recurrent feature throughout my work. Here are a few small monoprints I made.

They are all the same plate, the second and third are ghost prints and represent the deconstruction of identity.