Exquisite Corpse

So I never knew what this game was called so I decided to find out a little more about it. I was surprised to find out it was a surrealist game created by Andre Breton called Exquisite Corpse, I originally started out as a word game but eventually progressed into images.
André Breton (1896–1966)  Jacqueline Lamba (1910–1993)  Yves Tanguy (1900–1955)  Exquisite C...Cadavre Exquis with André Breton, Max Morise, Jeannette Ducrocq Tanguy, Pierre Naville, Benjamin Péret, Yves Tanguy, Jacques Prévert. Figure. (1928)
'Andre Breton, Yves Tanguy and                    ' Andre Breton, Max Morise, Jeannette Ducrocq Tanguy,
Jacqueline Lamb'                                                     Pierre Naville, Benjamin Péret, Yves Tanguy,
                                                                                   Jacques Prévert'

Combining Creative Crazy Minds

Humour requires a lot of imagination and creativity. Children are bursting with imagination and are constantly coming up with crazy scenarios, imaginary friends and can create imaginary worlds and places. Remember how fun a big cardboard box could be when you were a child.

I began to think of some games I used to play as a child to spark some ideas. The one that came into my head simply involved a piece of paper and a pencil. The first person started of by drawing an image at the top of the page then folding it over and letting the next person continue the image without knowing what the first person had drawn.

My housemates and I gave it a go and these are the results:

Funny People making Funny Art

So we got a new brief, we had a choice with this one. There were two options: Protest or Humour. Both very interesting topics but I think I'll chose humour and although the pressure to be funny might be a bit of a challenge I'll give it a go.

I started off with a brainstorm and then went on to research some artists that create humorous works to get some inspiration from people who were successful at creating work that people would find humorous.

Aled Lewis
Toy Stories

Mixing creativity and humour is something Aled Lewis has done cleverly in his work. He shows how a dialogue box with a witty caption can change an image into something funny and humorous.